VSoverride ACTOR

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Актор для добавления техники на DM карты. Туториал на англ внутри.
Start or open your map, enter the Actor Class browser and select File->Open Package... or click the folder icon. Locate and select the "VSOverride.u" file you downloaded from the site listed above.
It will close the "Actor" list so expand this out and find the VSOverride actor.
Place one of these in the map, then open it properties. In the VSOverride section, CHANGE THE bRespawnVehicles TO FALSE. This is extremely important or your vehicles will continuously spawn over and over on top of each other and you'll have a map full of vechicles before you can even join the game.

Edit: Once you've done the above you can add any vehicle you want, simply place an ASVehicleFactory actor, then change two settings:
ASVehicleFactory -> bRespawnWhenDestroyed - Set to True
SVehicleFactory -> VehicleClass - set to whatever you want, even ONS vehicles
End edit

Two quick notes.

The Bulldog (demo vehicle from UT2K3) has no control or weapons setup, so if you get it into a map, you can get inside, but you can't drive/shoot.

To make the VSOverride actor show up by default when you load UnrealEd:
Open up your System/UT2004.ini.
Look for the section [Editor.EditorEngine]
Scroll down until you see a bunch of "EditPackages="
Add the following to the list:


Save UT2004.ini and now any time you load UnrealEd VSOverride will be ready for use in the Actor Class browser.

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Добавил: UnShame (Другие дополнения пользователя)

Дата добавления: 23 Сентября 10, 14:23


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