Ассоциации с аватаром
Вижу гада. (я про бота если что!)

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу какую-то сетку и затем какого-то ......

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу трицератопса, мутиравовшего с помощью аденазинотрифосфата в человека.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу человека у которого (если верить биографии) существуют триплеты дополнительных дезоксирибонуклеиновых и рибонуклеиновых кислот.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу гетерозиготу, которая получила триплеты аминокислот, затем совершившую ароморфоз, далее получившую идиоадаптацию а также дезоксирибонуклеиновые кислоты, под влиянием аденозинатрифосфата, и умноженное в конце на радионуклеиды.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу замученного Малькольма)

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу профиль который ест мои глаза! hitler

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу гитлера

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу плакат с демонстрацией.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу табличку "инструкция обратилась к памяти."

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
What all they really want to do
Is suck out my mother fucking brains, my brains...

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
For today we will take the body parts and put them on the wall
For treated indigenously, digenously
Human right is private blue chip, pry

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Тогда уж так:
Poisoning a drink, bleeding in a sink
Choking with a link, killing with a stink
Just your mother's
Bleeding in a sink, poisoning a drink
Burning up
My sweet Clementine

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу мужчину, одолжившего зелёный костюм у гринписа.
Quote (UnShame)
там в третей строчке жареный шашлык слышится) или во второй))

Так, ток без миксования! Я из-за тебя не могу слушать Sugar без смеха! ha

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу сферическое унылое говно™ в вакууме

Если вы не признаете аншейма мудаком - я перережу вены!!!
Вижу мудака кавайного.

Добавлено (09 Сентябрь 10, 19:08)
Ой, Уншэми, влез таки) Вижу голограму)

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу воплощение Уншэми.

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу Уншэми, которого рентгенит. ha

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу облучённого Уншэми (в СТАЛКЕРА играем тихой цапой?) ^_^

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Вижу МЕЧЕНОГО diablo2 diablo2 diablo2

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)

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