Переделка аватаров участников форума
Да у меня тут одна идея есть насчёт кое-чьей авы...очень жестокая...за такое мне потом настучать по голове. Зато смешно будет. think

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)

Добавлено (30 Июнь 10, 17:58)
никуя, туда просто картинку, а потом текст. программа сама все сделает

Good luck, good luck to you
Hanging like a fruit
Ready to be juiced
Juiced, juiced
ну это у меня накипело похоже...

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
бля.. протоссы никого не учат! никто не достоин быть их учеником

Good luck, good luck to you
Hanging like a fruit
Ready to be juiced
Juiced, juiced
Судя по речам Антилла, как раз наоборот. think

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Quote (JUS)
протоссы никого не учат!

из чужих? ты прав (не считая Рейнора)
Quote (JUS)
никто не достоин быть их учеником

а вот тут ты жестоко ошибаешься

Wanna play Warframe? Click here and register!
You see the world in black and white
No color or light
You think you'll never get it right
But you're wrong, you might
они самовлюбленные, эгоистичные гении. (я не тебя описываю, если что :D )

Good luck, good luck to you
Hanging like a fruit
Ready to be juiced
Juiced, juiced
Quote (JUS)
они самовлюбленные, эгоистичные гении.

неплохое описание Конклава (:

Wanna play Warframe? Click here and register!
You see the world in black and white
No color or light
You think you'll never get it right
But you're wrong, you might
Да...Антил у нас типа Раритет? ha

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
lol lol lol

Wanna play Warframe? Click here and register!
You see the world in black and white
No color or light
You think you'll never get it right
But you're wrong, you might
Экстрасенс хренов! Как ты догадался. что я щуку ща рисую?! lol

Добавлено (12 Июль 10, 11:44)
Или он мне так мстит за переделку его авы...

Добавлено (12 Июль 10, 12:02)
И злая рыба выглядит так:

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)

Wanna play Warframe? Click here and register!
You see the world in black and white
No color or light
You think you'll never get it right
But you're wrong, you might
Нострадамус фигов... facepalm

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
А нет, ещё рано. lol

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
Извращенец ты, Бесстыдный. ha

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)
про демотиваторы идея тоже ничегол...

пэйнт на большее не способен

Good luck, good luck to you
Hanging like a fruit
Ready to be juiced
Juiced, juiced
Фотоп освой. ha

My dreams, they never come true
And if they ever, ever do
It's never you
(Phantogram – Running From The Cops)

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